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ALBO FORNITORI – Record to be part of the Suppliers Register

Dear Supplier,
thanking you for your continuous cooperation, we sincerely wish to continue working with you!
We are writing to you to inform you that, in accordance with our new regulations, all our suppliers must enroll as a member in our Suppliers Register, in order to conclude new contracts with our Office – the Trade Promotion Section of the Embassy of Italy in Japan.

For this reason, we are asking to your kind attention the recording form, that you are kindly requested to fill in Japanese (or Italian) .
The recording form must be signed by the legal representative of your company or by yourself, if you are authorized by the legal representative of your company to sign new contracts, or the interested natural person.
It must be sent, together with the documents required, to us by e-mail to: tokyo@ice.it.

Please feel free to contact us in case you need more details or explanations.

Wishing to hear soon from you, we send you our best regards,

Embassy of Italy – Trade Promotion Section

Regolamento Albo Fornitori 在東京イタリア大使館貿易促進部供給業者名簿の登録および管理に関する規則



Informativa Privacy 個人情報の保護について

Allegato C 別紙C イタリア大使館貿易促進部の供給者名簿登録のための除外事由がないことに関する申立書

Allegato D 別紙D イタリア大使館貿易促進部が行う競争入札手続参加のための除外事由がないことに関する申立書

Allegato E 別紙E 展示会等の設営・施工業者の追加提出資料